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Directions for Lecture Volunteer

The Lecture Volunteers assist the Lecture Captain in setting up in/around Cahill and for serving on the Panel Q&A after the lecture.

General Responsibilities

  • Coordinate with the Lecture Captain to set-up things before and after the lecture. It is important to arrive substantially before the lecture to help set things up, so it isn't just all up to the Lecture Captain. Please arrive at the time your Lecture Captain asks.
  • If a large audience is expected, help setup the live-cast of the lecture and overcapacity seating
  • Sit on the Panel Q&A after the lecture to answer questions about astro-related science
  • Answer attendee questions on astronomy, physics and science
  • Be cognizant of how your actions represent the institute, the department, and our profession. Please act professionally. These events are recorded and posted afterwards.


  • You should be contacted by the Lecture Captain a few days before the event with a reminder. If you have not heard from them by the day before the event, reach out directly.
  • You will be sitting on the Panel Q&A after the lecture. Consider what 2-3 topics you are happy to answer questions on (e.g., "stars", "galaxies", "gravitational waves", "solar system", "pulsars", "cosmology", "life in the universe"). This will be used as a label at the panel.
  • Meet the Lecture Captain 30-40 minutes before the lecture is set to begin to set up.
  • Wear volunteer badge.
  • Post all signs for the event. Signs should all be posted 30+ minute before the lecture starts.
  • Use tally counter to count people as they come into Cahill.
  • Offer to answer questions of attendees about science.
  • Enjoy the lecture.
  • Photographs need to be taken of the event. If you are interested in taking photos with your camera or cell phone, please talk to the Lecture Captain, and send them to Cameron after the event.
  • After the lecture, sit on the panel Q&A. It is important that you are respectful to your colleagues on the panel. Please do not interrupt or have side conversations while your colleagues are talking. We are a unified front to the public!
  • After the event ends, collect the signs, swag, flyers, AV equipment, etc. Return everything to the Lecture Captain box and back to Cameron's office.
  • Please return the badges! People inadvertently hold on to them and we are running out.

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Topic revision: r9 - 2019-10-03 - TempAdmin
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