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Results from Main web retrieved at 06:26 (GMT)

Directions for Lecture Captain The Lecture Captain is in charge of assuring the whole lecture and stargazing event goes off without a hitch, but his/her main responsibilities...
Directions for Lecture Organizer The Lecture Organizer is a new position created since Cameron is going on leave. This role serves as the person ensuring that a single...
Directions for Lecture Volunteer The Lecture Volunteers assist the Lecture Captain in setting up in/around Cahill and for serving on the Panel Q A after the lecture...
Lecturer Instructions: What to Expect Lecture Night Schedule As the lecturer, you will be the main event for the first 30 minutes of the outreach night (see PublicLectures...
Directions for Setting Up Overcapacity Seating and Livecast of Lectures When we expect a large audience for a lecture that is significantly over the 150 capacity of...
Instruction for Live Broadcasting a Zoom Event Via Youtube Live
Number of topics: 6

Topic revision: r62 - 2023-10-26 - OutreachAdmin
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