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Schedule of Upcoming Events and Volunteer Assignments


Click on the various links below for more information about each event and for the responsibilities/directions for each role. To sign up for an open spot, please sign up on our Google Spreadsheet or contact outreach-admin@astro.caltech.edu.

To learn more about each event this year (including abstracts, titles, etc.), click on the event links below.

Monday, December 16, 7:30-9:30PM

Astronomy on Tap @ Dog Haus
MC: Cameron Hummels
Speakers (2): Margaret Lazzarini, Peter Boorman
Volunteer (3+): Aniket Sanghi, Delina Levine, Hazel Yun, Maggie Li

Friday, January 17, 8-10PM

Stargazing Lecture - The Physics of the Warp Drive
Lecturer: Elias Most
Lecture Captain: Cameron Hummels
Lecture Volunteers (2+):
Telescope Captain:
Telescope Volunteers (3+):

Monday, January 27, 7:30-9:30PM

Astronomy on Tap @ Dog Haus
MC: Cameron Hummels
Speakers (2):
Volunteer (3+):

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Topic revision: r790 - 2024-12-23 - OutreachAdmin
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