Display time at places of interest.
| ztime
A degrees <-> Sumerian converter
| coco
Cone Search Gaia database (API; xml->tsv)
| csGaia
Get WISE 4-band photometric values
| photWISE
Get NEOWISE 2-band light curves
cone search PS1-STRM catalog
| cs_PS1_STRM
cone search NED
| cs_NED
postage service SDSS
| ps_SDSS
Query Transient Name Server (TNS)
Troll GCN archives for a GRB
| getGRB
| buildTable
| updateTable
| extractGRB
Read IPAC Table Format
| ipac2csv
| IRSA Table
Gaia: Inquiry via GUI (csv)
Daily US airport passenger flux: 2019 & 2020
| fluxTSA
IP analytics
List members of the NAS
Number columns of a header line
Generating finder charts
from Keck Star list
Open last file downloaded
Delete empty files
Histogram of the nationality of
participants at a conference
Extract light curves from ZTF JSON file
Repair FITS file missing a specific keyword
Histogram of strokes of the
standard Kanji set |
Kanji Stroke Data Base
Top 2% Astronomers
| Stanford database (xlsx)
| Stanford.tsv
Multiline->Single line record
- Ordering a bib file, alphabetically
| at2019dge
- Convert csv file to LaTeX table
- Move only modified files
to a separate directory
- Renumber Files after some
are deleted
- Check if file exists
- Delete all
files except those specified in a list.
- Population of Countries
| WP.csv
| Country 2-letter & 3-letter codes
- Merge files with different filters
and same positions
- How to analyze whilst ignoring header lines
- Convert rows to column and vice-versa
- Converting columns of data to matrix
The histogram of your co-authors
(uses ADS)
renaming files
Identify Identical Files
Identify failed jobs and restart them
Histogram a signature list |
Middlebury.txt (input file for this
Extract unique PTF names whilst preserving input
Convert Chicago style of references
to Nature style references |
refs.tex |