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Past Events from 2017

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For photos of all past events, see Our Flickr Page. For lecture recordings, see Our YouTube Page.

To learn more about each event this year (including abstracts, titles, etc.), click on the event links below.

Friday, January 13, 7-9PM

Lecture and Stargazing - The Universe through X-ray Eyes
Lecturer: Fiona Harrison
Lecture Captain: Cameron Hummels
Lecture Volunteers (3): Astrid Lamberts, Masha Okounkova, Heidi Wu
Telescope Captain: Erika Hamden
Telescope Volunteers (4): Yuguang Chen, Anders Thygesen, Anna Ho, Ivanna Escala
Back in Cahill. Rainy the week before and cloudy until lecture start time. Clouds at about 40% when stargazing occurred.
North Field still under construction, so had one telescope on the sidewalk. Low turnout presumably due to weather.
50 attendees.

Monday, January 23, 7:30-9:30PM

Astronomy on Tap @ Der Wolfskopf
MC: Rahul Patel and Ricky Nilsson
Speakers (2): Adric Riedel, Johanna Teske
Volunteer / Panelist (2+):
This event was written up and advertised in TimeOutLA the weekend before:
120 attendees.

Friday, February 3, 7-9PM

Lecture and Stargazing - The Science of Star Trek
Lecturer: Mike Wong
Lecture Captain: Cameron Hummels
Lecture Volunteers (3): Elise Cutts, Peter Gao, Cecilia Sanders
Telescope Captain: Andreas Faisst
Telescope Volunteers (4): Erika Hamden, Alex Urban
Event got a lot of advertising on social media due to the topic. Additional advertising done by speaker.
Cloudy weather all day, with brief clearing before lecture, but ultimately no observing.
Great turnout for lecture (140) as well as number of people who stuck around for Panel (60).
Introduced anonymous demographic survey.
140 attendees.

Monday, February 13, 7:30-9:30PM

Astronomy on Tap @ Der Wolfskopf
MC: Cameron Hummels
Speakers (2): Louis Abramson, Anna Ho
Volunteer / Panelist (2+): Leo Stein, Jeff Rich
Event started off with a low turnout but grew over the first 30-45 minutes from 70 to about 100.
Seven perfect scores on the quiz. Tie breaker with mass of Sun in M_earth. Will have to make quizzes harder!
100 attendees.

Friday, March 3, 7-9PM

Lecture and Stargazing - The Elusive Origins of Hot Jupiters
Lecturer: Konstantin Batygin
Lecture Captain: Cameron Hummels
Lecture Volunteers (3): Antonija Oklopcic, Rob Zellem, Trevor David
Telescope Captain: Andreas Faisst
Telescope Volunteers (4):Kaew Tinyamont, Kirsten Larson, Lee Rosenthal, Andres Malagon
Great turnout for lecture (140), observing (115), and Q&A (40).
Observing was first night on new North Fields artificial surface. Stadium lights partially extinguished.
Observed Moon, M42, and Mars. No problems on field.

Monday, March 13, 7:30-9:30PM

Astronomy on Tap @ Der Wolfskopf
MC: Calen Henderson
Speakers (2): Rachael Livermore, Jorge Moreno
Volunteer / Panelist (2+): Andreas Faisst, Jessie Christiansen, Ron Tso, Cameron Hummels
In addition to talks by Rachael and Jorge, we had Gary Blackwood from JPL lead a song of "The Exoplaneteers" between talks that really got the crowd going.
Terrific turnout with 115 attendees.

Friday, March 31, 8-10PM

Lecture and Stargazing - Why Stars Shine
Lecturer: Robyn Sanderson
Lecture Captain: Cameron Hummels
Lecture Volunteers (3): Lee Rosenthal, Marianne Heida
Telescope Captain: Erika Hamden
Telescope Volunteers (4):Kaew Tinyamont, Yuguang Chen, Chris Bochenek
Lecture attendance 100, observing attendance 90, panel attendance 35.
Observing was clear with views of Moon, Pleiades, Orion Nebula, Beehive Cluster, and Jupiter.

Monday, April 17, 7:30-9:30PM

Astronomy on Tap @ Der Wolfskopf
MC: Cameron Hummels
Speakers (2): Devin Silvia, Masha Okounkova
Volunteer / Panelist (2+): Mislav Balokovic, Leo Stein
75 attendees and lots of interaction between attendees and resident astronomers.

Friday, May 5, 8-10PM

Lecture and Stargazing - Simulating the Galaxies of our Universe
Lecturer: Andrew Wetzel
Lecture Captain: Leo Stein
Lecture Volunteers (3): Rahul Patel, Astrid Lamberts, Christine Corbett-Moran
Telescope Captain: Andreas Faisst
Telescope Volunteers (4): Adric Riedel, Lee Rosenthal, Mike Grudic, Eric Moseley
115 attendees including a girl scout troop. Weather was a bit spotty but still made it work.

Monday, May 15, 7:30-9:30PM

Astronomy on Tap @ Der Wolfskopf
MC: Cameron Hummels
Speakers (2): Courtney Dressing, Leo Stein
Volunteer / Panelist (2+): Calen Henderson
100 attendees; technical difficulties with the speaker system so Courtney had to shout to be heard.
Aside from that, everything else went well. Audience happy overall.

Friday, June 2, 8-10PM

Lecture and Stargazing - The Origin of the Elements
Lecturer: Ivanna Escala
Lecture Captain: Cameron Hummels
Lecture Volunteers (3): Lee Rosenthal, Eric Moseley, Marianne Heida, Anders Thygesen
Telescope Captain:Yuguang Chen
Telescope Volunteers (4): Kirsten Larson, Andreas Faisst, Erika Hamden, Matt Orr
120 attendees; everyone very enthusiastic!
Everyone enjoyed viewing the Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, and M13. Had ~40 people stay for Panel Q&A

Monday, June 12, 7:30-9:30PM

Astronomy on Tap @ Der Wolfskopf
MC: Cameron Hummels
Speakers (2): Marianne Heida, Ron Tso
Volunteer (2+): Calen Henderson, Allen Hovsepian, Max Millar-Blanchaer
95 attendees, enthusiastic group and lots of mingling between astronomers and public.
No A/V problems. Best quiz was 8/10. May have to ban repeat quiz winners from participating.

Monday, July 3, 7:30-9:30PM

Astronomy on Tap @ Der Wolfskopf
MC: Rahul Patel
Speakers (2): Elena Murchikova, Erik Petigura
Volunteer (2+): Marja Seidel, Jessie Christiansen, Allen Hovsepian, Calen Henderson, Leo Stein
110 attendees, lots of well thought out questions from the audience

Friday, July 14, 8-10PM

Lecture and Stargazing - Understanding the Universe Using Gravitational Waves
Lecturer: Astrid Lamberts
Lecture Captain: Cameron Hummels
Lecture Volunteers (3): Chris Bochenek, Maria Okounkova, Mike Grudic
Telescope Captain: Lee Rosenthal
Telescope Volunteers (4): Anders Thygesen, Jono Squire, Allen Hovsepian
140 attendees, 40 of whom stuck around through the Q&A session.
Observing went well, but they remained until 10:30 because lost track of time.

Monday, July 31, 7:30-9:30PM

Astronomy on Tap @ Der Wolfskopf
MC: Cameron Hummels
Speakers (2): Tiffany Meshkat, Harish Vedantham
Volunteer (2+): Lee Rosenthal, Leo Stein, Allen Hovsepian, Max Millar-Blanchaer
100 attendees, ~150 solar eclipse glasses sold

Friday, August 11, 8-10PM

Lecture and Stargazing - The Origin of the Universe and the Arrow of Time
Lecturer: Sean Carroll
Lecture Captain: Leo Stein
Lecture Volunteers (3): Lee Rosenthal, Anders Thygesen, Astrid Lamberts
Telescope Captain: Jessie Christiansen
Telescope Volunteers (4): Mike Grudic, Allen Hovsepian, Max Millar-Blanchaer
200 attendees, 120 for observing and over capacity for lecture. Hand to turn people away at the door.

Friday, August 19, 4:30PM-10:00PM

Solar Eclipse Education -- Fossil, OR
Coordinator: Cameron Hummels
Volunteers: Maria Pereira (U. Arizona), Colette Salyk (Vassar), Ian McGreer (U. Arizona), Neil Zimmerman (Goddard)
100+ attendees for activities, 300+ attendees for lectures, 100+ attendees for observing (in a town of 446).

Monday, August 21, 9AM-12PM

Solar Eclipse -- click here for more info
Coordinator: Cameron Hummels, Kitty Cahalan, Jeffrey Nee
Volunteer Schedule
9:00 - 10:00 (10+): Anders, Thygesen, Mike Grudic, Jono Squire, Chris Bochenek, Sebastian Kiehlmann, Roger Smith, Alyssa Barlis, Allen Hovsepian, Marcy Harbut, Mansi Kasliwal, Grant Bonesteele
10:00 - 11:00 (10+): Anders Thygesen, Mike Grudic, Jono Squire, Jason Guochao, Sebastian Kiehlmann, Roger Smith, Alyssa Barlis, Allen Hovsepian, Stephen Taylor, Marcy Harbut, Mansi Kasliwal, Grant Bonesteele
11:00 - 12:00 (10+): Anders, Thygesen, Mike Grudic, Jono Squire, Sebastian Kiehlmann, Jessica Krick, Allen Hovsepian, Stephen Taylor, Marcy Harbut, Mansi Kasliwal, Grant Bonesteele
Enormous turnout of over 3000 attendees on Beckman Lawns. Ran out of eclipse glasses by 9:15 leading people to share amongst the crowd.
Huge line for the telescope, despite the fact that the solarscope and light funnel-enabled telescope were not too crowded and similar views.
Beckman Institute auditorium was packed with people watching the NASA live-stream of totality across the USA.
Generally everyone was very happy, and a very successful event.
Video made by Caltech of the event here

Monday, September 11, 7:30-9:30PM

Astronomy on Tap @ Der Wolfskopf
MC: Cameron Hummels
Speakers (2): Coral Wheeler, Anders Thygesen
Volunteer (2+): Calen Henderson, Allen Hovsepian, Andres Malagon
120 attendees. Very enthusiastic crowd. Packed to capacity.

Friday, September 22, 8-10PM

Lecture and Stargazing - Where to find real time machines and how to use them
Lecturer: Andreas Faisst
Lecture Captain: Cameron Hummels
Lecture Volunteers (3): Mike Wong, Cecilia Sanders, Dillon Dong, Leo Stein
Telescope Captain: Kaew Tinyanont
Telescope Volunteers (4): Marianne Heida, Allen Hovsepian, Anna Ho, Mia de los Reyes
130 attendees, 50 stuck around for Q&A panel. Great talk and turnout.

Saturday, September 23, 1:30-5:30PM

Science Train
Coordinator: Cameron Hummels
Volunteers: Chris Bochenek, Erik Petigura, Johanna Teske
Made signs and plans at 1:30, boarded Gold Line at 2:00PM at Del Mar stop.
We made teams of two and sat on different train cars with signs advertising our presence and availability.
We went to the end of the line (Azusa), then boarded and went to the other end of the line (East LA), then came back to Del Mar.
We interacted with ~30 people, talking about science and handing out flyers advertising our events.
Many lessons were learned for our next iteration.

Friday, September 29 7-9PM

Sidewalk Astronomy
Coordinator: Cameron Hummels
Volunteers: Allen Hovsepian, Kirsten Larson, Andreas Faisst
Amazing first sidewalk astronomy event with overwhelmingly positive response from members of the public.
We interacted with ~250 people over the course of the <2 hours on the sidewalk at the intersection of Miller Alley and Colorado Blvd in Old Town Pasadena.
Lots of enthusiasm at viewing Saturn and the first-quarter Moon, and over 100 flyers distributed for our schedule of events.

Monday, October 9, 7:30-9:30PM

Astronomy on Tap @ Der Wolfskopf
MC: Calen Henderson
Speakers (2): Erika Hamden, Lamar Glover
Volunteer (2+): Andreas Faisst, Allen Hovsepian, Cameron Hummels
Biggest turnout to Astro on Tap so far with 160 attendees!
Lots of enthusiasm and people were very attentive for the talks.
We also had the Cassini Virtual Singers perform some Saturn-related Hamilton covers.
Problems with the AV system in trying to get audio+visual+microphone all synced at the front--best to stick with the booth headquarters.

Friday, October 20, 8-10PM

Lecture and Stargazing - Cosmic Fireworks
Lecturer: Mansi Kasliwal
Lecture Captain: Cameron Hummels
Lecture Volunteers (3): Kishalay De, Anna Ho, Jamie Rollins, Maria Drout, Dillon Dong
Telescope Captain: Marianne Heida
Telescope Volunteers (4): Anders Thygesen, Michael Zhang, Mike Grudic, Allen Hovsepian, Mia de los Reyes
Great turnout for the lecture with 150. At least 60 people remained for Q&A.
Prepared for overflow of lecture with livestreaming of lecture on back patio, but unnecessary.
Observing was challenging due to no solar system objects and stadium lights left on.

Monday, October 23, 7:30-9:30PM

Astronomy on Tap @ Der Wolfskopf
MC: Cameron Hummels
Speakers (2): Jamie Rollins, Nadia Blagorodnova
Volunteer (2+): Eve Lee, Matt Orr, Louis Abramson
130 attendees. Strong turnout for being advertised with < 1 week notice.
Audience was dead silent throughout both talks, and most stayed until the very end.
Introduced a survey with our quiz and there was one perfect score. Technical difficulties with linux on thinkpad getting projected to HDMI.

Friday, October 27, 6:30-8:30PM

Sidewalk Astronomy
Coordinator: Cameron Hummels
Volunteers: Jessie Christiansen, Dillon Dong, Rahul Patel, Andres Malagon, Mia de los Reyes, Kathryn Plant
250 diverse attendees over the course of two hours. Set up on Miller Alley and Colorado.
Saturn viewable for one hour before setting. First quarter moon for whole time.
Need "official" Caltech Astro banner to look official.

Monday, November 6, 7:30-9:30PM

Astronomy on Tap @ Der Wolfskopf
MC: Cameron Hummels
Speakers (2): Cindy Hunt, Andres Plazas Malagon
Volunteer (2+): Jono Squire, Mike Grudic, Allen Hovsepian, Jeff Rich
120 attendees who were absolutely silent and attentive throughout both talks.
Strong contingent of astronomers from Caltech, Carnegie, JPL, and Planetary Society (~30?) Too many?
Top quiz score only 6.5, so quiz too hard.

Friday, November 17, 7-9PM

Lecture and Stargazing - Cosmic Lenses: Bending Light with Gravity
Lecturer: Denise Schmitz
Lecture Captain: Anna Ho
Lecture Volunteers (3): Lee Rosenthal, Jono Squire, Mike Grudic
Telescope Captain: Andreas Faisst
Telescope Volunteers (4): Yuguang Chen, Dillon Dong, Cameron Hummels, Mia le los Reyes
130 attendees. Got part of the track lights turned off.
Viewed M31, Albireo, and Double Cluster.

Monday, December 4, 7:30-9:30PM

Astronomy on Tap @ Der Wolfskopf
MC: Jessie Christiansen
Speakers (2): Katey Alatalo, Jeff Rich
Volunteer (2+): Rahul Patel, Cameron Hummels
90 attendees. 12 Days of Astronomy song featuring Jessie Christiansen!

Friday, December 8, 7-9PM

Lecture and Stargazing - Brown dwarfs: too small a star; too massive a planet
Lecturer: Kaew Tinyanont
Lecture Captain: Cameron Hummels
Lecture Volunteers (3): Lee Rosenthal, Dillon Dong, Max Millar-Blanchaer
Telescope Captain: Yuguang Chen
Telescope Volunteers (4): Matt Orr, Ivanna Escala, Mike Grudic
100 attendees. Slightly hazy so visibility was poor. We were able to see Pleiades, M31, and Orion Nebula

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