60-inch (1.5-meter) Telescope Media

The following is a collection of media pertaining the 60-inch telescope and the Oscar G. Mayer Memorial Building for educational and public relations purposes—please see conditions of use. For context, please visit the telescope page linked to above as well as the architecture page. To experience an immersive virtual visit to the 60-inch telescope, please see our virtual tour page.

The Telescope

In the evening.


Vertical position.

Telescope and mount.

The 60-inch telescope (2020)

Video introducing the history and science of the 60-inch telescope. Duration: 1:59 minutes. (Palomar/Caltech)

The Mirror

Before recoating.

After recoating.

Before/after recoating.


The Oscar G. Mayer Memorial Building

Star trails.

Robo-AO laser.


Winter scene.

Sunset and full moon.


Northeast side.

Dome detail.

Virtual Tour

This bilingual, high-resolution tour embeds relevant information, images, and video of the 60-inch telescope. We recommend viewing the virtual tour on a desktop or laptop in fullscreen mode using the icon in the control bar. While it is possible to view the tour in smaller screens (e.g., large tablets), we suggest using the "lite" version of the tour for screens narrower than 700px (e.g, smaller tablets and smartphones). The lite tour is also VR-enabled, but lacks many of the features found in the full version of the tour. Click here to load the full tour.

60-inch Telescope and Dome

Bilingual, annotated tour of the 60-inch telescope and its dome, desktop version. (Palomar/Caltech/A.Mejía)

"Lite" Virtual Tour

Bilingual, annotated tour of the 60-inch telescope and its dome, mobile version. (Palomar/Caltech/A.Mejía)

Questions? We've answered many common visiting, media, and academic questions in our public FAQ page.
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60-inch Media / v 1.0.4
Last updated: 5 March 2021 ACM