Cosmic Web Imager (CWI) Technical Specifications

View the original specsheet.

The Cosmic Web Imager (CWI) is a P200 instrument and prototype developed by Chris Martin and colleagues at Caltech. CWI is available for science observing in a semi-private mode (potential users must contact/work with the CWI team).

Parameter Value
Status Semi-private (contact
Field of view 60″ × 40″
Spatial resolution 2.5 × 1″
Field orientation Adjustable 0° to 90°
Available Gratings 385 – 560 nm: MedRez/Richardson
460 – 550 nm: Blue
555 – 690 nm: Yellow
640 – 770 nm: Red
Available Filters Asahi/UV
Spectral bandpass ~ 15 nm Nod & Shuffle
~ 45 nm unmasked
Spectral resolution (R = λ/Δλ) 5000 (Δλ ~ 0.1 nm)
Estimated efficiency 10% [a]
CCD format 4096 × 4096
Pixel size 15 µm
Pixel binning 1 × 1, 2 × 2
Read noise < 2.8 e
Readout time (2x2) 2, 1, or 0.5 min (through 1, 2, or 4 amplifers)
Scripted Nod & Shuffle Yes
[a] Estimated efficiency: ~10−18 ergs/cm2/s/arcsec2 after 3 hours on target and 3 hours on background.

An expanded CWI observer's writeup has been provided by the CWI team, and a CWI web-page is also available.

Questions? We've answered many common observing and operations questions in our observer FAQ page.
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CWI Specs / v 2.0.1
Last updated: 17 November 2019 KMR