Ay 124 Webpage - Structure and Dynamics of Galaxies - Winter 2009
Times and location: Mon 2:30 - 4 in 012 Robinson, and Wed 10:30 - 12 in 106 Robinson
Class summary, grading, collaboration policy, etc.
The plan of the lectures (may evolve)
Instructors (for email below, #=@, *=.):
- George Djorgovski, george # astro * caltech * edu , 395-4415, 221 Robinson
- Andrew Benson, abenson # its * caltech * edu , 395-4667, 257 W. Bridge
- TA: Elisabeth Krause, ekrause # astro * caltech * edu , ph. 395-3102, rm. 03
- Office hours: by arrangement
Homeworks & Exams:
Lecture 1: Introduction, some history, astrometry, distances
Lecture 2: Photometry, color-magnitude diagrams, interstellar dust
Lecture 3: Stars, their evolution, masses, luminosity and mass functions
Lecture 4: Elements of stellar dynamics
Lecture 5: Star clusters - observations
Lecture 6: Star clusters: dynamics
Lecture 7: Galaxies: morphology and general properties
Lecture 8: Elliptical galaxies
Lecture 9: Modeling the evolution of stellar populations
Lecture 10: Chemical enrichment and chemical evolution
Lecture 11: Spiral galaxies
Lecture 12: Galaxy scaling relations
Lecture 13: Dynamics of disks, spiral structure
Lecture 14: Structure of the Milky Way: Overview, structural components, basic kinematics, bar, nucleus
Lecture 15: Structure of the Milky Way: ISM, rotation, nucleus
Lecture 16: Kinematics and mass models of the Milky Way
Lecture 17: Hierarchical galaxy assembly - basic ideas
Last changed: 12 March 09, SGD